Importance of environment and resistance

Drums are excellent at creating vibrations. We are the body that creates possibility of vibrations, and I have learnt that the tension and resistance in the body does actually affect the sound in subtle but ultimately very important ways, when it comes to the effect of the listener and the environment.

For example if I were keeping time on the ride cymbal (the largest cymbal, usually 20" in diameter), I can play with tension in the body, OR play it being in a relaxed state. Which would you prefer? For long term enjoyment, being relaxed and choosing to appear exciting to an audience would come across much better than being tense. A relaxed state is in the parasympathetic nervous system and is often associated with a child state of play. In such a state you can develop drumming and musicality, using a continuous motion of time keeping. At any moment one could get distracted, lose time, and become in fight or flight mode. So I learn to be in a state of play more often as I get older! I am very careful teaching technique, and won't go further than what is necessary at the time, and usually only look at exploring technique after some good time having fun. We all make mistakes, and journey getting to sound how we want to sound.

"Tension and resistance in the body does actually affect the sound in subtle but ultimately very important ways...

Due to our body's natural defense systems we can often be in fight or flight mode. This is why it is of great importance for me to offer an environment that feels safe; a place where anyone can release tension but also develop musicality and work towards a lasting beneficial feeling.

Resistance can also be used as a musical exercise! Say we keep time on the ride cymbal but wanted to embellish the rhythm: as well as moving the stick or limb in constant motion, we can use resistance to play potential additional notes, yet not actually striking the drum or cymbal. Why do this? I do this because as I do strike the drum or cymbal, the additional note's motion is already set in place, and the sound will be magic!

This can also be a great route into improvisation.

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